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Here you will find in-depth, well-researched articles on the Mughals of India, with a focus on narrative history. A slightly extended rationale and purpose of this site can be found here. Feel free to explore below:
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The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur in 1526 after overthrowing the Delhi Sultanate in northern India. His successors created one of the most powerful states on the Indian Subcontinent that lasted from 1526-1857, and the first half of this period is known sometimes as India's last Golden Age.
The Mughals introduced Persian elements into the Indian lifestyle and were especially known for the unique art and architecture of their period. Militarily they introduced gunpowder warfare in India and conquered the whole of the subcontinent. Their decline led to the rise of British power in India.
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- Tai History - A blog for general history
- Taiho's Corner - A blog for literature and general musings